Sunday, October 18, 2009


"Changing Your Perspective"

"Some people have a knack for looking at a scene or stuation and perceiving things not only in terms of their own experiences, but also in terms of others'. They embrace changes in perspective and look at things from many vantage points. Other people, however, see what they see and may not be convinced that someone else might view things differently. A shift in perspective can be a valuable tool in interacting with others, remaining open to new ideas, and increasing creativity. Your point of view normally reflects a reality that is uniquely yours. But think of viewing a room from two different angles---you will see different items depending on your position. Or consider the difference between looking out over the rolling ocean versus seeing into its depths while snorkeling. Most peoople have at one time or another tried looking at a situation through someone elses's eyes. Changing your perspective can be applied to many different circumstances. For example, you might try seeing the disappointment of not having funds to travel as an opportunity to more deeply explore activities offered in your own neighborhood. When you are faced with a challenge, attempt to view the problem from all angles in order to solve it. You will be more likely to come up with a novel solution. Changing how you perceive enhances objectivity while refreshing creativity. In fact, it is said that the most creative people see what everyone else does but look at life in ways most do not. Try finding the angular beauty in a cityscape or the opportunities for fun on a wet, dreary day. They are there. The universe is a vast conglomeration of all perspectives. Changing or expanding yours is not about avoiding another viewpoint or ignoring the parts of life you find unpleasant. Everything that exists continues to do so whether you choose to focus on it or not. Rather, a shift in perception can help you understand that world in a different way---from a new angle--so that you can solve prolems, create things of beauty, and lead the life you truely desire."
By: Madisyn Taylor


"How You Affect Others Daily"

"As the pace and fullness of modern life serve to isolate us from one another, the contact we do share becomes vasly more significant. We unconsciously absorb each other's energy, adopting the temperament of those with whom we share close quarters, and we find ourselves changed after the briefest encounters. Everything we do or say has the potential to affect not only the individuals we live, work, and play with, but also those we have just met. Although we may never know the impact we have had or the scope of our influence, accepting and understnding that our attitudes and choices will touch others can help us remember to conduct ourselves with grace at all times. When we seek always to be friendly, helpful, and responsive, we effortlessly create an atmosphere around ourslves that is both uplifting and inspiring. Most people rarely give thought to the effect they have had or will have on others. When we take a few moments to contemplate how our individual modes of being affect the people we spend time with each day, we come one step closer to seeing ourselves through the eyes of others. By asking ourselves whether those we encounter walk away feeling appreciated, respected, and liked, we can heighten our awareness of the effect we ultimately have. Something as simple as a smile given freely can temporarily brighten a person's entire world. Our value-driven conduct may inspire others to consider whether their own lives are reflective of their values. A word of advice can help people see everything in an entirely new fashion, and small gestures of kindness can even prove to those embittered by the world that goodness still exists. By simply being ourselves, we influence others in both subtle and life-altering ways. To ensure that the effect we have is positive, we must strive to stay true to ourselves while realizing that it is the demeanor we project and not the quality of our wondrous inner landscapes that people see. Thus, as we interact with others, how we behave can be as important as who we are. If we project our passion for life, our warmth, and our tolerance in our facial features, voice, and choice of words, all who enter our circle of influence will leave our presence feelng at peace with themselves and with us. You never know whose life you are affecting, in a big or small way. Try to remember this as you go into the world each day."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, September 6, 2009


"Healing Your Inner Child"

As we tread our individual pathways in life, we can acquire what some refer to as emotional baggage. Much of it is easy to recognize, but that which was picked up when we were very young is often hidden deep within the subconscious. The inner child or child within can harbor decades of old hurt that can cause us to react to situations and people using childhood pain as a template. This means that sometimes your reactions have less to do with the situation at hand and more to do with things you experienced long ago but have not forgotten. The inner child is an important piece of your emotional makeup. It can be playful, spontaneous, intiuitive, and spiritual -- but it can also be fearful, distrustful, and critical. Painful childhood experiences can negatively affect adult ones. Healing the inner child addresses your child-self's wounds and frees your grown-up self to make decisions based on the present. There are steps you can take to gently begin healing your inner child. Working with this hidden part of you is very much like solving a mystery, and the first step to unlocking it is analyzing your own behavior:

1. Ask yourself why you are attracted to certain people; why you react the way you do in particular situations; and what makes you feel helpless, scared, angry, or lonely. As you do so , remember that there is nothing wrong with your feelings and no shame in being influenced by your inner child.

2. Inquire of yourself how those feelings have been shaped by past experiences. Then mentally revisit your childhood. Visualize yourself as you were when you were young. Feel what your child self is feeling.

3. Finally, approach him or her and offer comfort in the form of a hug infused with positive, loving energy. In doing so, you are both healing and letting go of the wounded childs' pain.

Attempting to discount the fact that the inner child has an effect on the adult denies the impact of old wounds and past experiences Acknowledging this part of you honors your former self and can help you recover painful memories that have been repressed. However, recalling specific ones is not vital to healing. It is enough to be aware that you can change the way you unconsciously learned to react in your youth by nurturing your inner child and, in doing so, foster a loving and wise present self."
By: Madisyn Taylor


Becoming Your "Wrong" Decisions

"Our perception of the traits and characteristics that make us who we are is often tightly intertwined with how we live our life. We define ourselves in terms of the roles we adopt, our actions and inactions, our triumphs, and what we think are failures. As a result, it is easy to identify so strongly with a decision that has brought on unexpected negative consequences that we actually become that "wrong" decision. The disappointment and shame we feel when we commit what we perceive to be a mistake grows until it becomes a dominant part of our identities. We rationalize until it becomes a dominant part of our identities. We rationalize our "poor" choices by labeling ourselves incompetent decision makers. However, our true identity cannot be defined by your choices. Your essence -- what makes you a unique entity -- exists independently of your decision-making process. There are not true right or wrong decisions; all contribute to your development and are an integral part of your evolving existence, yet are still separate from the self. A decision that does not result in its intended outcome is in no way an illustration of character. Still, it can have dire effects on your self-esteem and ability to trust yourself. You can avoid becoming your decisions by affirming that a "bad" one was just an experience, and next time you can choose differently. Try to refrain from lingering in the past and mulling over the circumstances that led to your perceived error in judgment. Instead, adapt to the new circumstances you must face by considering how you can use your intelligence, inner strength, and intuition to aid you in moving forward more mindfully. Try not to entirely avoid thinking about the choices you have made, but reflect on their consequences from a rational rather than an emotional standpoint. Strive to understand why you made the decision you did, forgive yourself, and then move forward. A perceived mistake becomes a valuable learning experience and is, in essence, a gift of growth. You are not a bad person, and you are not your decisions; you are simply human."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, August 2, 2009


"Keeping A "Grateful" Journal

"Some days it is easier to be appreciative of life than others, but if you really take note, there is always somthing to be grateful for. It is important to be grateful, and by acknowledging life's blessings, you actually invite more good things into your life. Keeping a gratitude journal can remind you of all the things you have to be thankful for. Find an attractive blank book, or make one yourself. You can even use an ordinary notebook. Make your journal colorful by writing with different-colored pens. Or pick one shade for each category of appreciation: pink for pretty sights, yellow for friends.....even green for prosperity. You can journal daily, weekly, or monthly, but it is best to be consistent. Mark the date and write down what you are grateful for, why, and the circumstances that created the gratitude. The journal will become a chronicle of your feelings and experiences. It is fun to read your own writing from the past, and journaling keeps you in appreciation mode, reminding you of all the things that make you happy. If you write on a daily basis, you can set a goal for yourself of recording a specific number of things to be thankful for each day. As you get into the habit of counting your blessings, you may soon find that you start being appreciative of so much more. You can set a new target number or just go wild and write as many things as you can think of. Most of us have myriad reasons to be grateful, and it is easy to find the obvious. However, after a few days, you begin to get past the mundane--such as food, shelter, and clothing--and begin to appreciate many other things in life. When you start to look for them, you will find that you are rewarded with countless gifts of gratitude. People will enter your life for just a moment and leave you with a gem of kindness or just a simple smile. Pass the gratitude attitude along by offering gifts of journals to your family and friends to record their thankfulness. You can start them off by sharing what you appreciate about them. describe what they have given you, what you have observed about them, and what you wish for them. Being appreciated is one of the best gifts you can bestow on someone. Write it down and it is lasting."
By:Madisyn Taylor


"Brave Spirits"

"Most of us are familiar with the idea that we are not human beings having spiritual experiences; instead, we are spiritual beings having human experiences. We hear this, and even though we may experience a resounding Yes! in our bodies, we may not take the time to really acknowledge the truth of this statement. Integrating this idea into how we view ouselves can broaden our sense of who we are and help us appreciate ourselves as brave spirits on an important mission to learn and grow here on Earth. As spiritul beings, we are visitors in this physical realm. The fact that we came here and lost all memory of what happened to us before we were born is one of the many reasons why it takes so much courage for a soul to incarnate on Earth. This is why spiritual inquiry so often feels like a remembering---because it is. Recalling that we are spiritual beings is part of th work we are here on this planet to do. When we operate from a place of remembering, we tap into the wisdom that our spirit acumulated even before we stepped into this lifetime. Recollecting who we are can give us the patience to perservere when we become overwhelmed or frustrated. It can lend us the courage to work through the most daunting challenges and help us trust the ancient wisdom that we carry offered to us by our intuition. We have chosen to be on Earth because there is something we want to learn that can only happen by inhabiting a body. Some of us are here to repay a debt, gain knowledge of love, or teach forgiveness. Most of us are here for a combination of reasons. We carry this infrmation in our souls; all we have to do is remember. As you go through your journey, try not to forget how brave you are in being here now. Honor yourself."
By:Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, July 26, 2009


"Letting People Know You Love Them"

"It is easy to take our feelings for granted and assume that the people we care about know how we feel about them. While they are often quite cognizant of our feelings, saying "I love you" is a gift we should give to our loved ones whenever we can. Letting others know how we feel about them is an important part of nurturing any kind of loving relationship. Few tire of being told they are loved; and saying "I love you" can make a world of difference in someone's life, take a relationship to a new level, or reaffirm and strengthen a steady bond. Everyone needs to hear "I love you." Three simple words: I....Love....You. When you declare your love for others, you proclaim that you care for them in the most significant way. It can be difficult to convey your affection using words, particularly if you grew up around people who never expressed it verbally. But you should never be afraid to say "I love you" or worry that doing so will thrust you into a position of excessive vulnerability. It is important to share your feelings with those who matter to you. Part of the fulfillment that comes with loving someone is telling him or her that you do. Love exists to be expressed, not withheld. If you care for someone, let the person know. Do not be afraid of the strength of your emotions or worry that your loved one will not feel the same way. "I love you" is often best said to another without expectation of a return on this investment. Since each one of us is filled with an abundance of love, there is never any concern that you will run out of it if these words are not repeated back to you. Saying "I love you" is a gift of the heart sent directly to the heart of the recipient. Even though it may not always look that way, this is an offering that is always unconditional and given without strings attached. That is the true essence of the gift "I love you."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Embracing Grief

"Grief Is Important. Change is something that happens each and every moment in our lives. Since nothing is constant, it may sometimes seem as if we are losing something whenever things do change. Understanding that this is part of our daily existence and that there will not only be gains but also losses in our lives can help us more readily accept and deal with whatever happens.Whenever we lose something or somebody we love, it is important for us to take time out for ourselves and truly feel the weight of what we are experiencing. Although it may seem that doing so will push us into a deeper state of sadness, truly giving ourselves permission to be with whatever arises actually creates space for us to begin the healing process. This is because the act of grieving is a natural process, allowing us to sort through the range of emotions that are present in our everyday existence. Even though it may sometimes seem easier to involve ourselves in activities that take our minds off of our sadness, this will only make the route to healing more difficult. Unless we listen to where we are in the moment, the emotions we experience will only grow in intensity, and our feelings will manifest themselves in more powerful and less comfortable ways. Once we consciously acknowledge that these emotions are present, however, we are more able to soothe the sorrow of the moment. In so doing, we become more open to our natural ability to heal ourselves.Grieving doesn’t have to be a process that keeps us rooted in our thoughts of fear and sadness. For the moment we might feel despondent, but by expressing and coping with our true feelings, we face the sadness head-on. When we allow ourselves to accept and deal with our loss fully, we will then be able to continue our life’s journey with a much more positive and accepting outlook. This will make it easier for us to see that our grief is ephemeral and, just like our moments of happiness, it will also come to pass."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Saturday, March 21, 2009


The Universe's Plan For You

"The path that propels us toward our dreams can be a challenging and complex one, and it is easy to get bogged down in confusion and insecurities. We often hesitate at the start of that path, questioning our purpose or our capabilities ---- yet we should be moving forward joyously, eager to discover what destiny has in store for us.

The universe has plans for us that eclipse anything we have dreamed of thus far. Although we must work diligently to fulfill our potential and accomplish our individual missions, the universe is aware of both the quests we chose before birth and the goals we have formulated in adulthood. If we accept that it is watching over us and believe that it will facilitate our eventual success, the universe will provide us with the assistance and opportunities that enable us to make significant progress on our journeys of ambition.

Nothing happens without a purpose. Whether we attract success or repel it depends on our willingness to stay open to a wide range of possibilities and to embrace concepts such as synchronicity. The universe is always ready to care for our needs, but we must not write off its loving attention as mere circumstance or chance. Likewise, we must endeavor to ensure that our egos do not become barriers preventing us from recognizing that even perceived mistakes and strife can be profound lessons smoothing the progress of personal evolution. When we understand that we only need to enthusiastically try our best to realize our objectives, the universe will take care of the details, propelling us forward in its unstoppable current. We may not always immediately understand the significance of certain experiences, but our trust will help us choose wisely at each crossroads.

The universe wants to see you accomplish your goals. No matter how long you have dallied or hesitated, it will always be there, ready to put its plan for you in motion at the first sign of your faith. You can make the most of this aid by acquiescing to it rather than fighting it. Nurture your dreams, but do not attempt to micromanage every detail along the way. The universe will provide you with guidance, and if you heed that wisdom, you will find that your formerly stressful quest for success will become a journey of great joy."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Being Aware

"Life is a journey that comprises many steps on our personal path, taking us down a winding road of constant evolution. Each day we are provided with a myriad of oppotunities that can allow us to transform into our next best selves. One moment we are presented with a chance to react differently when someone in our life rubs us the wrong way; at another, we may find ourselves wanting to walk away from a particular situation but unsure if we can."

Eventually we may find ourselves stuck in a rut that we can never seem to get out of. We may even make the same choices over and over again because we do not know how to choose otherwise. Rather than moving us forward, our personal paths may take us in a seemingly neverending circle where our actions and decisions lead us only to where we have already been. It is during these moments that awareness can be the first step to change.

Awareness is when we are able to realize what we are doing. We observe ourselves, noticing our actions, reactions, and choices as if we were a detached viewer. Awareness is the first step in the direction of transformation because we cannot make a change unless we are conscious that one needs to be made in the first place. We can then begin understanding why we are doing what we are doing. Afterward, it becomes difficult not to change, since we are no longer asleep to the truth behind our behaviors. We also begin to realize that just as we are the source of the causes of our actions, we are also the originator of any changes that we want to happen.

Freedom comes with awareness. Rather than thinking we are stuck in a repetitive cycle where there is no escape, we begin to see that we very much play a hand in creating our lives. Whether we are mindful of them or not, our choices are always ours to make. Our past and our present no longer have to dictate our future when we choose to be aware. We are then free to move beyond our old limits, make different choices, and take new actions. Our paths cannot help but wind us forward in our lives while paving the way for novel experiences and ways of being. It is through awareness that we can continue to consciously evolve."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Finding Your Soul's Purpose

"Destiny, the greatest mystery in every individual's life, is a grand puzzle waiting to be solved. It is not uncommon to ask, "Why am I here?" or to wish for a more dynamic or creative approach to living while still following the expected path or bowing to the status quo.

However, all individuals have been blessed with talents and strengths that flow from the depths of the soul, allowing them to make a unique and special contribution to the world. This is the root of the soul's purpose, which is much more than a simple occupation. It is the longing of the heart, a gift we ache to express, and a life's mission. Many people never discover their individual soul's purpose because they believe themselves unqualified or ill equipped for it. However, finding it is not a relay of trial and error, but an exciting journey.

The world needs the fruits of your soul's purpose, but to follow the path of the heart demands patience and courage. Until that mission is found, material successes can feel empty and unfulfilling. Finding your soul's purpose is an individual quest of introspection requiring inner counsel strong enough to disregard naysayers.

Begin by asking yourself which pursuits give you, or have given you, the most joy. Which draw upon your natural talents and cause you to feel that you have put forth deep roots in the universe? If you can think of no such activity, it is time to try something new, perhaps in the form of a hobby or volunteering. When answers do come through meditation or participation, it will be necessary to accept that large-scale changes may be in order to align your path with your soul's purpose. Although doubt may arise, fulfilling your life's mission will give you strength.
There are, however, no absolutes. Achieving the soul's purpose requires not only awareness, but participation as well. The soul exists to evolve, and when you become aware of its desires, it is up to you to take the first steps, however difficult they may be. Having fulfilled one purpose, you may find that another may arise, leading you to other paths you never anticipated. Once you have discovered your soul's purpose and embarked upon the journey, you will have taken the most important step in creating a truly joyful life."
By:Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Emptiness Becomes Openness


"When we lose anything that we cherish, the sense of emptiness we are left with can be overwhelming. A space tht was filled, whether in our lives or our hearts, is now a void; and the feelings of pain, loss, and separation can sometimes be difficult to bear. While it is always important to honor what we have lost, sometimes this can also represent a chance for a new beginning. When we are ready, the vacancy left by a relationship, a job, or a dream can then be viewed as open space that can be filled with something new; experiences, knowledge, job opportunies, dreams, people, and ways to grow. There are many methods to weave the threads of loss into a blessing. If you have lost a job or ended a relationship, your first thoughts may revolve around filling the void with similar work or the same kind of relationship. Try not to rush into anything just to fill up the emptiness. The loss of a job can free you up to explore new opportunities, especially if you hve outgrown the old one. Likewise, the end of relationship can give you a chance to rediscover your own interests, explore new passions, and meet different people. If seeing the good in what seems like a bad situation makes you feel uncomfortable, then try to remember that you are not devaluing what you have lost or replacing it coldheartedly. You are surrendering to the fact that in life we sometimes have to let go and allow what is new to enter into the vacant spaces created by our losses. In doing so, you are honoring what has left you and welcoming the new into your life with open space, an open mind, and an open heart."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Peeling The Onion

Breaking Through Barriers

"The human psyche is almost infinitely complex, made up of layers upon layers of thoughts, experiences, emotions, fears, loves, and goals. Those who seek to find the true essence of being or move past a fear find that there are many intermediate steps along the way. As we first look inward, we view ourselves whole when in fact we are only seeing the surface. Like an onion, if we move past the surface, we will find another layer, and beyond that we find another. These layers are barriers, and everyone has them. You may work past one fear, only to be confronted with a deeper underlying fear. Or you may fully assimilate a revelation, only to find other aspects of it that you had not discovered. How many layers you will confront before encountering a resolution is unknown. This is the JOURNEY--this is life. But the journey to the center of the onion--what is called sunyata in Sanskirt or mu in Chinese--can be an enlightening experience in and of itself. As you break through each barrier, you will gain a more profound understanding of your own mind and come to learn the unique facets that make up who you are. You will become intimately acquanited with your needs and wants, reactions, aversions, pleasures, and pains. You will discover qualities within yourself that have been buried by the years or by old hurts. This knowledge is cumulative. As you break through one barrier and confront the next--oftentimes more powerful--barrier, you will be equipped with the knowledge of self that you have gained in your searching. During the 'peeling of the onion', you may feel frustrated because it can seem as if progress is slow or nonexistent. But do not let the multitudes of layers bother you. Many of the qualities that make you who you are may be hidden at first. The process can continue indefinitely, for with self-discovery comes growth and thus further discovery. The more you learn, the more you will inevitably find as you travel deeper and deeper within your soul."
By: Madisyn Taylor

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Step Forward

"He told us that in any given moment we have two options: We can step forward into growth or we can step back into safety. Become aware of your behavior. Become aware of the decisions you are making every moment of your life - the decision to speak authentically (step forward into growth) or to say what you think you should say(back into safety). Pay attention to your decision to either go out for the run you promised yourself or to make up an excuse as to why you just can't do it today. Become AWARE. Become conscious of who you are. Become conscious of the decisions you're making. Become conscious of how you're expressing yourself and what you're actually doing. Your destiny is shaped by your moment to moment decisions. Choose wisely. STEP FORWARD." Abraham Maslow