Sunday, February 15, 2009


Finding Your Soul's Purpose

"Destiny, the greatest mystery in every individual's life, is a grand puzzle waiting to be solved. It is not uncommon to ask, "Why am I here?" or to wish for a more dynamic or creative approach to living while still following the expected path or bowing to the status quo.

However, all individuals have been blessed with talents and strengths that flow from the depths of the soul, allowing them to make a unique and special contribution to the world. This is the root of the soul's purpose, which is much more than a simple occupation. It is the longing of the heart, a gift we ache to express, and a life's mission. Many people never discover their individual soul's purpose because they believe themselves unqualified or ill equipped for it. However, finding it is not a relay of trial and error, but an exciting journey.

The world needs the fruits of your soul's purpose, but to follow the path of the heart demands patience and courage. Until that mission is found, material successes can feel empty and unfulfilling. Finding your soul's purpose is an individual quest of introspection requiring inner counsel strong enough to disregard naysayers.

Begin by asking yourself which pursuits give you, or have given you, the most joy. Which draw upon your natural talents and cause you to feel that you have put forth deep roots in the universe? If you can think of no such activity, it is time to try something new, perhaps in the form of a hobby or volunteering. When answers do come through meditation or participation, it will be necessary to accept that large-scale changes may be in order to align your path with your soul's purpose. Although doubt may arise, fulfilling your life's mission will give you strength.
There are, however, no absolutes. Achieving the soul's purpose requires not only awareness, but participation as well. The soul exists to evolve, and when you become aware of its desires, it is up to you to take the first steps, however difficult they may be. Having fulfilled one purpose, you may find that another may arise, leading you to other paths you never anticipated. Once you have discovered your soul's purpose and embarked upon the journey, you will have taken the most important step in creating a truly joyful life."
By:Madisyn Taylor

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Emptiness Becomes Openness


"When we lose anything that we cherish, the sense of emptiness we are left with can be overwhelming. A space tht was filled, whether in our lives or our hearts, is now a void; and the feelings of pain, loss, and separation can sometimes be difficult to bear. While it is always important to honor what we have lost, sometimes this can also represent a chance for a new beginning. When we are ready, the vacancy left by a relationship, a job, or a dream can then be viewed as open space that can be filled with something new; experiences, knowledge, job opportunies, dreams, people, and ways to grow. There are many methods to weave the threads of loss into a blessing. If you have lost a job or ended a relationship, your first thoughts may revolve around filling the void with similar work or the same kind of relationship. Try not to rush into anything just to fill up the emptiness. The loss of a job can free you up to explore new opportunities, especially if you hve outgrown the old one. Likewise, the end of relationship can give you a chance to rediscover your own interests, explore new passions, and meet different people. If seeing the good in what seems like a bad situation makes you feel uncomfortable, then try to remember that you are not devaluing what you have lost or replacing it coldheartedly. You are surrendering to the fact that in life we sometimes have to let go and allow what is new to enter into the vacant spaces created by our losses. In doing so, you are honoring what has left you and welcoming the new into your life with open space, an open mind, and an open heart."
By: Madisyn Taylor