Sunday, January 3, 2010


"Change is natural. It is safe to change. I want to change for the better now. I open myself to change. I am willing to leave my old ways of being behind and open myself to somethng new and better. Life is a process of change. I feel comfortable changing at the deepest level. As I change, I feel better and better. Change leads to happiness and fulfillment. It is safe to let go. It is safe to change. Change is positive. I am changing for the better, now and always. Change is an exciting adventure. As I change, my life improves in every way. As I let go of the past, I welcome the future. Change is easy and safe. As feelings arise, I welcome them as part of me. I welcome change because it leads to more happiness. I leave the past behind and seek a better future. Change feels good. I release the past, accept the present, and look forward to the future with happiness."